ABSTRACT: By the term marine pile, it is commonly meant the piles used as
a structural part of jetties, wharves, dolphins and other such near shore and off
shore structures. Fundamentally all these piles are long slender members and
subjected to massive horizontal forces. These piles have typical construction and
design requirements which make them a different foundation arrangement when
compared to their use as land piles.
In design, these piles are generally subjected to large magnitude of bending
moment along with axial force. This leads to special considerations like heavily
reinforced section, large pile diameter etc.
Aggressive condition of saline weather calls for extraordinary consideration
of design as well as construction. In construction it is again an unusual treatment
due to lack of accessibility and stable working area. Many methods like fixed
platform, floating arrangements, cantilever platform, jack up barge etc. are the
options available to tackle such conditions.
In this paper, the author has highlighted such special requirements and also
discussed the merits and demerits of the various materials used in pile construction
like RCC, steel and prestressed concrete. Short comings of the use of construction
practices of present day bored pile construction have been discussed. Provisions of
various codes of practices have also been briefly highlighted.