Cast in Situ

What is cast in situ concrete pile? Bored cast in situ pile is constructed by digging a hole in the ground by suitable means such as percussive or rotary method with the use of temporary or permanent casing or drilling mud. After that, the construction is finalized by filling the hole with reinforced concrete.

Cast-in-situ piles are those piles which are cast in position inside the ground. Since the cast-in-situ piles are not subjected to handling or driving stresses, it is not necessary to reinforce the pile in ordinary cases or in places where the pile is completely submerged in the soil.

Cast-in-situ is the conventional method of concreting. In this Method concrete is prepared on the site and poured in formwork and then cured. It often requires more labours and even takes longer time. Precast concrete is the new method concreting used all over the world extensively.
